I must admit that I’m grateful for the much i’ve been able to accomplish and
shocked that its only been a year considering everything that has been coming through.
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What's special about innovating?
I deem it necessary that all people be willing to sound foolish and listen to other peoples ‘foolish’ ideas.
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Flake it till you make it
Excerpt from Soulshaping by Jeff Brown
Under what circumstances should we step off a path? When is it essential that we finish what we start? If I bought a bag of peanuts and had an allergic reaction, no one would fault me if I threw it out. If I ended a relationship with a woman who...
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To be
... or not to be?
To be, or not to be–that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep– No more–and by a sleep to say we...
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Full-width template
Newsletter embed on GitHub and here
Finishing touches for Color Schemes
Responsive DropDown Navigation
Share Button/Icon
Alternative frontpage to welcome and explain site
Replace images
Update posts
Finish up Strategic management
Create contact form
Incorporate email
Tranfer blog from Wordpress
Setup discus in _Comments
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